Sunday, September 22, 2013

Dear Autumn, I LOVE YOU!

"It's Autumn time! It's Autumn time! The leaves are falling down. It's Autumn time! It's Autumn time! It's all around the town. It's Autumn time! It's Autumn time! There's yellow, red and brown! It's Autumn time! It's Autumn time! Bright colors can be found!"

These are the lyrics to my favorite, rarely sung Primary song that I taught my daughters last year when I was the primary chorister in our ward and both girls were in nursery together. Due to an early January birthday, P1 is still in nursery with P2  despite the fact that P1 has been ready to graduate since well before the end if last year ... But that's another topic for another time.

This post is about my happy season: Autumn. That blissful time of year when it's just the right temperature outside, and the air smells just like the sound of the leaves underfoot: crisp and gloriously invigorating. The brilliant colors-- red, yellow, brown, and my favorite color orange-- are also eye candy, especially here in the South where there are so many trees that it's positively breathtaking. And the taste of Autumn is right up there on the list, too. PUMPKIN! I heart pumpkin with every fiber of my being. I was once called the "Bubbah" of pumpkins, because just as Bubbah in Forest Gump loved every thing shrimp, I LOVE everything pumpkin! Pumpkin pie, pumpkin ice cream, the color of pumpkins, pumpkin seeds, pumpkin carving, pumpkin pancakes ... the list goes on.

Another awesome thing about Autumn is the month of October, which in my opinion is the greatest month of the year! My birthday is near the end, and who doesn't like their birthday (at least secretly)?! Of course, since marrying Logic who has a grade-school aged niece with a birthday two days after mine, it's definitely been different having to give up the attention torch. I grew up in a family where everyone had their own birth month. (I think this is a brilliant idea, by the way. Way to be smart, parents! *high five!*) Alas, unless P3 makes an appearance three weeks early, she will have an October birthday like her mommy. But you know, I'm actually okay with that because having a birthday during the best month of the year is the bomb-diggity. I hope, however, that she gives me slightly more breathing room than my niece did.

Halloween is also partially what makes Autumn time awesome. Dressing up has always been one of my favorite things. And though I abhor scary movies, I get my All Hallow's Eve fix with flicks like The Nightmare Before Christmas, Hocus Pocus, and It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. Plus, free candy is a perk... And though I've become less and less interested in that part, I can't turn down a Starburst or fun-sized pack of skittles.

And these are just a few of the reasons why this is my happy season! And it could not have come at a better time because I need some extra happy to get me through some extra hard trials I've begun facing very recently (hence the last post being nearly 20 days ago). 

How do you feel Autumn measures up when compared to the other three seasons?


  1. I love fall too! But being in the South has definitely made it feel almost wrong to go trick or treating in 90 degrees. :)
    Happy Birthday next month! :)

    1. Isn't that funny? I grew up typically having to wear sweaters under my Halloween costume... And sometimes had to trick-or-treat through snow! But not anymore!! :) Thanks for the birthday well-wish!
